Noir, and ideas of how i’m going to title my images.

I’m tossing up whether to name my four emotions (as in, titles of my final images)

and Fear

After notable Noir films.. for Example:

The Seduction Image = “In a Lonely Place
– a film with the plot of confused identity and tormented lust, and is a mordant comment on Hollywood mores and the pitfalls of celebrity and near-celebrity   – We are surrounded by temptation and lust in this day and age.

The Confrontation Image = “Night of the Hunter
–  The novel and film draw on the true story of Harry Powers, hanged in 1932 for the murders of two widows and three children in Clarksburg, West Virginia. – A film about Secrecy and hunting down
– In one point of my life, the situations, secrecy and the thrill of the chase were what I thrived off, and I think i’ve already taken an image that fits how I felt at that time perfectly, and this title fits with the image perfectly this space.

The Fear Image = “Shadow of A Doubt
– one of Alfred Hitchcock’s finest films, in my opinion. The film’s plot basically is suspicion, and revelation. – There is just two of the strongest emotions one could feel, nothing can douse suspicion, and no one can delay a revelation. – Sometimes, I fear what I think I saw, and sometimes realisation can hurt more than secrecy, and i’m not ashamed to say that in some cases, ignorance is bliss, but what happens when it comes to the surface?

The Death Image = “The Big Sleep
– the plot deals with the “process of a criminal investigation, not its results.” – to me, it’s not the end result, it’s the cause, and I feel no better title could be fitted to the “Death” image, firstly because of the face value of the title (the big sleep, death to the sensitive?) and secondly, once one has died, one ceases to exist, but the story around the death may never die.

But, in naming my images, am I contradicting myself? Will I be feeding the spectator a storyline?

~ by Ashleigh Inglis on 05/25/2010.

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