The Proposal..(1st Draft, 12th March, 2010.)


n. The tendency to escape from daily reality
or routine by indulging in daydreaming,
fantasy, or entertainment.

My target with these images is to portray the fantasy land we sometimes long to escape to in times of difficulty, or boredom – “Fairytale” ideals, drilled into us when we were children. I’ve always been a dreamer of sorts, and I feel that this is something I’ve always wanted to explore, putting the daydreaming into something solid, and I’ve found that it reads like a stereotypical fairytale, but alongside the harshness that is reality, it’s not all glass slippers and sleeping beauties.

I’ll be working with the ideas of illusion/reality, escapism, fantasy and how the media has shaped “paradise” during my project, evolving these ideas, and my own opinion, of who I am and how I see myself in my own fairytale paradise.

I plan to take a grand, large scale set up for my shoots, and a cinematic approach to my images and the way I create them. Budget and time are crucial to the success of my project. Practical considerations are the use and gathering of props, lighting and location.

Research/Intended Research:

Movements Studied:
Romanticism and certain aspects of Surrealism.

Photographic Artists:
Main artists:
Baldovino Barani
Annie Leibovitz
Eugenio Recuenco
Serge Leblon
Brigitte Lacombe
Vincent Fournier

Text studies: Lewis Carroll

Jonas Åkerlund
Alfred Hitchcock
Tim Burton
Francis Lawrence

Practical Considerations:

I’m unsure how many photographs at this point I wish to display, or the size, but currently thinking:

– medium to large images, perhaps ornately framed but in that case I’d prefer if they were larger.
– White walls preferred, but no location yet in my initial plans.
– Shot on digital (But experimentations perhaps on film),
– Canon EOS 1000D, but camera models/lenses subject to change.

Proposed Budget:

I have no set budget in mind, but to an extent if it becomes too expensive, I will cut back without losing quality.

Also, with image sizing, printing will have to be considered, and with large scale printing (A3+), colour is effected to an extent also. (discoloration, pixilation).
Large printers are located at the Design Block – Smaller printers are located in the Art School. I will try to find cheaper alternatives/funding for printing if needed.


At the moment, I’m trying to do as much as possible in the time I have, but once the idea is set in concrete, I will work to a firm timeline, setting reachable goals.

Currently I’m working on: Researching and creating a solid idea, gathering props, considering location and experimenting with the “self” through photography.

~ by Ashleigh Inglis on 03/12/2010.

2 Responses to “The Proposal..(1st Draft, 12th March, 2010.)”

  1. good luck with it

  2. […] 2. First Proposal ( 12th March, 2010) […]

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