Rut Blees Luxemburg – Photographer

Rut Blees Luxemburg takes her shots at night, mostly of the urban landscape, with long exposures.  She is well known for her images of Hackney landscapes, with vivid colours and strong contrasts. I like her work because the world aesthetically is a completely different place at night. Using ambient light, she created this image of a high rise.

‘In Germany, where I’m from, we have completely different cities. In London, you don’t have many high-rise blocks, so yours are very visible. But what is also interesting to me as an artist is that they provide visibility – you can look out over the city from them. So this is both a photograph of a high-rise, and a photograph from one.’
– Click to read full article, thanks Rachel!!

Commonsensual - The Pact

~ by Ashleigh Inglis on 02/24/2010.

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