Sucessful images from my projection shoot..

I’ve noticed with all of my shoots, and ones that aren’t related that I mask a certain part of my face or body..

Image 1: this was my very first image I took, once I got the projector in the right place. I don’t really like how dark it is, it lacks contrast, but the body language speaks almost of fright, shame, very submissive, and to an extent, ignorance..

Image 2: this is one of my favourites, and lining up the shot, focusing, and getting the light in the right position really payed off, I can’t quite pinpoint the expression..It’s very confrontational and accusing.

Image 3: Another mouth shot, masking the eyes, taking away the identity of the subject. I like the contrasts, and the lines look more abstract.

Image 4: This is other favourite I pulled from the tens of images, to me, it looks like a genuine film still, the main character comes second to the shadow, it seems like shes been caught within a pan and is almost out of shot..Another image where only a part of the character is showing, and a rather accusing stare, too.

~ by Ashleigh Inglis on 05/22/2010.

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